About the Shield Institute
Shield Institute is a public safety focused resource for continuing education meeting the needs of Police & Corrections.
Supporting state and national research, Shield supports newly promoted command officers, those preparing for promotion as well as those already in these positions.
Why Us?
This is not a seminar! Ours is a course designed for accreditation and worthy of college credit. In addition to being Adult Learner Focused participants can expect to experience:
Practical and Results oriented knowledge
Immediate Relevancy
Personal Experience as a Resource for Assignments
As a participant in the course, you will be a part of a Cohort Model of Instruction:
Adult learners sometimes like to take the opportunity to construct knowledge in a way that is meaningful to them. In our learning environment they are more likely to get inspired or find something that makes them want to learn more, often from their peers.
Hybrid Format: Instruction is held both online and in a classroom format allowing participants to be available for work. The course easily compliments a variety of work schedules.
Funding for training has been in the decline for many years and police agency administrators and training
coordinators are especially under the strain of fulfilling all their training needs within budget. Added to that is being careful to find training that does not take the officer away from their duties for too long of a period and back filling overtime.
With this in mind, we have designed a course that is 80 hours spread over 5 months. The class will consist of two days a month with an online component in between the two-day sessions. Additionally, the course will be
competency based and is designed to meet the standards of a National Certification with the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standard and Training (IADLEST) and for accreditation with the American Council on Education (ACE) to allow officers to gain college credits.